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  • 1 Guest Permit Request
  • 2 Request Submitted

Overnight Guest Permit Request

The Accommodation Office allow your friends to stay with you in your room as an occasional/overnight guest.

Residents are expected to consult with their flatmates and neighbours before inviting guests and all guests must be registered.

Overnight Guest permits are issued for a maximum of three nights, with no further permits issued you or the guest within a seven day period.

If you reside in a single gender flat you are not permitted to have overnight guests of the opposite gender. Any guest of the opposite gender found in the Residence after 11pm will be asked to leave immediately.

Permits will be refused to any guest/s under the age of 18 years or those previously banned from an LSBU Residence.

Please provide us with your guests details below and the dates when they will be staying with you.

Guest Name: Age of Guest: Relationship of the guest:
Arrival Date
Departure Date

Residents are responsible for the conduct of any invited guest to the residence. Permits may be revoked if the Resident and or guest breach any LSBU policies.

A copy of the Residence Guest policy can be found in your Residence Handbook or available upon request.

We will respond to your request within 48 hours.

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